Survival Guide for Web3 Immigrants Webinar


Dear Web3 developers,

We're happy to see your interest in blockchain. ChainIDE team is always happy to help developers get up-to-date and demanding skills through BootCamps, Hackathons, Seminars, and webinars. This time, we're happy to share with you that we're going to launch the "Survival Guide for Web3 Immigrants Webinar!"

We have invited experts from academia and industry including Prof. Wei Cai, Assistant Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), Han Tang, Founder of SeeDAO, and Ping, Community Manager of RSS3. In this webinar, you will get advice from experienced web3 users. This event will help beginners to quickly find their way into the web3 world. Prof. Wei Cai will be talking in detail about how to be a Web3 person, understanding the fundamentals of a project, coding skills and security skills required in Web3, and the investment guidelines. The other speakers will also be sharing their ideas and guiding on up-to-date topics in Web3 and blockchain.

Guest Speakers:

  1. Wei Cai, Assistant Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)
  2. Han Tang, Founder of SeeDAO
  3. Ping, Community Manager of RSS3

Timeline: 8 June, 20:00 GMT+8:00

For more information, please join our Telegram.

We would like to remind you that there will be a POAP for all the attendees who join us live on YouTube.

Should there be any questions, please reach us on the below-given links. Thanks



